[Learning Machine Learning] Part I: Linear Regression in 9 Lines of Pure Python


Joshua Bambrick


February 8, 2025


In this tutorial you will implement, train and evaluate your first Machine Learning model in pure Python, with little to no coding knowledge assumed. Along the way, you will learn all the most foundational concepts and terminology of modern Machine Learning (ML).

For illustration, we introduce the linear regression model. While this algorithm (you can jump to the code, but remember to come back!) seems simple, it is not just a toy. It is widely used in real-world applications and is a great place to start modelling Machine Learning problems. In fact, linear regression lies at the heart of all neural networks.

To make this tutorial as accessible as possible, I lean on the side of overexplaining concepts to avoid leaving anyone behind.

Also for this reason, I avoid as much fancy Python syntax as possible and choose not to use any libraries, instead preferring to use pure Python to implement our model. In practice, we always use libraries like numpy, jax, or scikit-learn to make our code cleaner and way more efficient. If you ever try to use these algorithms for a real application, please use a machine learning library!

Our problem

Guess the weight of the cake

To introduce linear regression, we need to start with a problem to solve. We’re going to go with the classic fairground game Guess the Weight of the Cake. The rules are pretty self-explanatory: you see a cake, you guess its weight, closest guess wins!

Your mission: Guess the weight of the cake.

To make the game (quite dramatically) easier, we’re going to assume that we know:

  • What the ingredients are of the cake
  • How much of each ingredient was added

In particular we assume all cakes contain flour, eggs, butter, and sugar1.

Our four ingredients: flour, eggs, butter, and sugar.

Our dataset

Because this is a Machine Learning problem, we need to have a dataset to learn from. Using this, we will build a model which can predict the weights of cakes that weren’t in the dataset to begin with. In other words, we want our model to generalise.

Our dataset, which you can download, with fifty example cakes (first ten shown) is:

  Flour Eggs Butter Sugar Cake weight
1 539 1 20 411 1039
2 464 3 31 384 1216
3 158 5 17 138 813
4 376 4 47 299 1162
5 328 4 47 254 1186
6 236 4 35 188 928
7 266 5 25 223 1065
8 140 3 26 95 654
9 311 5 38 256 1187
10 507 4 41 428 1422
Table 1: The first 10 examples in our dataset of cakes.

Each cake in our dataset is referred to as an example. Each ingredient can have different units (e.g., flour may be measured in grams whereas eggs are measured in, well, eggs). We won’t assume that we know the units for each ingredient, but we do know, for each example cake, how much of each ingredient it contains and the cake’s weight.

Our model will see several examples and try to identify the general pattern.

Regression vs classification

Problems such as this, where we want to predict a single number corresponding to our input, regression problems. Such problems are often contrasted with classification in which we want to predict a single ‘class’ (or category) corresponding to our input.

Our model

To start, we’re going to consider a very simple and hopefully familiar model which only considers the amount of flour. We hypothesise that this is a good starting point because we suspect that flour makes up the bulk of a typical cake.

A model is just a mathematical formula that gives you a predicted value. They can be very complicated, but we will start with one of the most basic ones conceivable.

We define our model as:

y = mx

That is, given the amount of flour, x, multiply it by some constant, m. The result of this multiplication, y, will be our predicted value of the weight of the cake. Pretty straightforward, right?

In Machine Learning terminology, x is our input/feature, m is our weight/parameter and y is our output/prediction. The true value of y labelled in the dataset is called our target/label.

We call this model linear regression because we assume that there is a linear (that is, a straight line) relationship between y and x. Since we have good reason to expect that the amount of flour is correlated with the cake weight, we suspect that this model will work reasonably well.

There’s a strong correlation between the amount of flour and the weight of the cake.

But how do we compute the value of m? Remember that, for the purposes of this tutorial, we are assuming that we don’t know the units of any ingredient in advance. Instead we will use an algorithm called gradient descent. This algorithm is used to train effectively all neural networks today.

Gradient descent

Intuitively understanding gradient descent

Imagine you are given a challenge to walk down a hill as fast as possible. Just one catch, you are blindfolded so you can’t see which way downhill is.

The gradient descent challenge.

However, you can tell what direction is downhill from the direction your feet slant while standing on the slope. You realise that if you take a step downhill in the steepest direction, you will get closer to the bottom as fast as possible. The steepness of the hill at each place tells you, if you were to take a step downhill, how much lower you are likely to be. You take a step, feel around to find the steepest direction again, and repeat!

This is gradient descent. It’s not just analogous to gradient descent, but this approach to get downhill is itself gradient descent.

Using gradient descent to train our model

To find the best value of m, instead of trying to get to the position with the lowest height, we want to find the m value with the lowest loss. A loss tells us how far away our predictions are from the target (later we will dig into how to compute these ‘losses’). Instead of steepness, we will consider the gradient, which tells us how the loss will change if we increase m. Hence, stepping in the opposite direction should lead us to lower loss values. The size of the step that we take is called the step size or learning rate.

Consider a graph which shows the value of the loss for many different values of m:

How the mean squared error loss changes as we vary the parameter m.

From this plot, we can see that the best m value is around 3 (larger m values increase the loss). With smaller m values, the gradient is negative (larger m values decrease the loss).

Gradient descent starts off with a random value of m meaning that we can start anywhere on the blue line. The ‘direction’ we decide to step in this single parameter setup simply refers to whether the gradient has a positive value vs a negative value. If it is negative, we step to the right (increase the parameter). If it is positive, we step to the left (decrease the parameter). By following this approach, we get ever closer to the value of m that minimises the loss function.

Note that it is important not to take a step that is too big. If you do, you might step all the way over the minimum value and end up with an even worse loss value than when you started! On the flipside, taking small steps ensures we will get close to the minimum value, but if the step size is too small it can take a very long time.

A large step size can cause you to step over the minimum value and get a worse loss value than when you started. A small step size will get close to the minimum value but can require many steps. (Image source: Niklas Donges)

Choosing a loss function

A loss function or loss is an estimate of how far our predictions are from the target. The higher the loss, the worse our model is.

The loss function we plotted above is the mean squared error (MSE) which is by far the most common choice of loss function for regression problems. To compute this, we:

  1. Evaluate the error of each prediction, i.e. \(target (t) - prediction (y)\)
  2. Square this value which means that it is always greater than or equal to 0
  3. Take the mean of these over all the examples in the dataset

This can be represented mathematically as:

\[\begin{align} \Large MSE = \frac{\sum{(t - y)^2}}{n} \end{align}\]

Let’s illustrate how to compute the MSE for a random value of m.

m = random.uniform(-10, 0)  # Pick a random value of 'm'

squared_errors = []
for d in dataset:
  prediction = m * d['Flour']            # Make prediction for this data point, using the current m value (y = m x)
  error = prediction - d['Cake weight']  # Compute the error of this prediction (y - target)
  squared_error = error * error          # Square the error
  squared_errors.append(squared_error)   # Store a copy so we can compute the mean below

mse = sum(squared_errors) / len(dataset) # Take the mean

Wow that’s high! Our random value of \(m\) must be pretty bad!

Computing the gradient of the loss

When selecting a loss function, the most important requirement is that we need to be able to compute the gradient of it with respect to our parameter m. This tells us how the loss function will change if we increase m.

For our model, we can compute the gradient of MSE with respect to m. For simplicity, we’ll just consider the loss of one single example so we can ignore taking the mean.

We want to compute \(\frac{dL}{dm}\), given: \[prediction (y) = mx\] \[loss (L) = (y - t)^2\]


  1. Substitute \(y = mx\) into \(L\)
\[\begin{align} & {\normalsize L=(mx - t)^2} \\ & {\normalsize L=m^2x^2 - 2tmx + t^2} \end{align}\]
  1. Take derivative of \(L\) with respect to \(m\)
\[\begin{align} & {\normalsize \frac{dL}{dm}=\frac{d(m^2x^2 - 2tmx + t^2)}{dm}} \\ & {\normalsize \frac{dL}{dm}=2mx^2 - 2tx} \\ & {\normalsize \frac{dL}{dm} = 2x(mx - t)} \\ & {\normalsize \frac{dL}{dm} = 2x(y-t)} \end{align}\]

In practice, ML libraries offer a feature called ‘autodiff’ which does the work of finding the gradients for us. But it’s important to remember that it must be possible to compute a gradient of your loss function with respect to your parameter.

Taking steps down the hill

Now we have everything we need to start taking steps down our hill, that is, update m in order to decrease the loss value. Since the gradient tells you how the loss will change when you increase m, we want to increase m only if the gradient is negative. However, if the gradient is positive, we want to decrease m. For that reason, we subtract the gradient from the current value of m.

To control how big a step to take, we multiply the gradient by our step size which we define as a positive number, typically much smaller than 1.

\[m = m - gradient(loss, m) \times step\_size\]

Plugging in the values of the gradient from above, this becomes:

\[m = m - 2 \times x \times (y - t) \times step\_size\]

We repeat this for every example and complete several epochs over the entire dataset.

Optimisation algorithms

The goal of gradient descent is to optimise (which means to minimise or maximise) this loss function. For that reason, gradient descent is referred to as an optimisation algorithm. We often refer to the process of optimising a machine learning model as training it or fitting it to the dataset.

But why do we focus on this optimisation algorithm in particular? Well here are a few other options and the potential issues with them:

  1. Algorithm: compute the loss for a range of m values and pick the best. Issue: with many parameters, you will have too many possible combinations of parameter values to explore.
  2. Algorithm: set the gradient to 0 and solve for m. Issue: it turns out that there is often no solution so you cannot solve for m.
  3. Algorithm: use the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse2. Issue: this is a popular approach for small datasets but doesn’t generalise to logistic regression or neural networks.


Our choice of optimisation algorithm, our loss function, our step step size, and the number of epochs are all examples of hyperparameters. The term ‘hyperparameter’ can refer to anything we can configure about our model which can’t be optimised by gradient descent since we cannot compute the gradients.

Unlike our parameters, how we tune (configure) our hyperparameters is a very open question. There are many techniques which can be used to set the hyperparameter values, such as trying at random or exhaustive search within a range and then evaluating the performance of the resultant model. Such techniques are forms of ‘optimisation algorithms’ in and of themselves.

For this tutorial, we’ll just use hyperparameter values that I found worked through from trial and error.

Implementing gradient descent from scratch

We now have everything we need to train a model using gradient descent:

  • A training dataset: \(dataset\)
  • A model: \(y = mx\)
  • A loss function, \(L\): mean squared error
  • A way to find gradients: \(\frac{dL}{dm} = 2x(y−t)\)
Linear regression
Dataset Cakes with known weights
Model, y \(y=mx\)
Loss function, L Mean squared error \[MSE =\frac{\sum{(t - y)^2}}{n} \]
Way to find gradients \[\frac{dL}{dm} = 2x(y−t)\]
Table 2: Everything we need for linear regression.

So what are we waiting for? Below we implement gradient descent from scratch3 – you can see that the algorithm is remarkably simple.

m = random.uniform(-100, 100)  # Pick a random starting value for the 'm' parameter (we intentionally pick badly to demonstrate the power of Gradient Descent)
epochs = 10                    # Number of epochs through our dataset to do
learning_rate = 0.0000001      # The learning rate constant

for i in range(epochs):
  for d in dataset:
    prediction = m * d['Flour']            # Make prediction for this data point, using the current m value (y = m x)
    error = prediction - d['Cake weight']  # Compute the error of this prediction (y - target)
    gradient = 2 * d['Flour'] * error      # Compute the gradient of the loss function with respect to m (2 * x * error)
    m = m - learning_rate * gradient       # Descend!

Congratulations! You just trained your first Machine Learning model from scratch with only 9 lines of pure Python. See, I wasn’t lying.

The final parameter m value was:


Move the slider below to see how the value of m improved over the epochs as it became a better predictor over time:

As the number of gradient epochs increases, our model starts to fit the data better.

As we take more steps down the hill, our parameter m gets closer to the optimal value, meaning that our model y=mx fits the data increasingly well.

It can also be useful to plot the value of the loss function over time. As you would expect, the value goes down over time (first quickly, then more slowly as the model improves).

As the model trains, the loss decreases showing that model is fitting the dataset better.

Note that we didn’t actually need to compute this loss function to train the model, we only needed the gradient. However, looking at the loss function can be informative when debugging ML models.


Evaluation metrics

Now we have trained our model, we want to get a measure of how well it will work on new cakes that it wasn’t trained on. We can use this measure to make business decisions, such as whether to release the model to a User Interface. It can also be used to help us understand how trustworthy the model is.

For this purpose, it is common to define a metric. A metric is typically a single number computed by comparing the values predicted by the model to the ‘target’ values labelled in the dataset.

One obvious possible metric is the loss function used during gradient descent. However, our loss function is restricted by the fact that it has to be differentiable with respect to our parameter m. There are often other metrics that we could use which correspond more closely to the problem we are trying to solve.

In practice, the specific metric we choose is highly problem-specific. Ideally it should correlate strongly with the assessments that humans would make of the model’s predictions.

Dataset splitting

Because our goal is to estimate how well our model does for cakes it hasn’t seen before, it is critical not to evaluate on data that was used to train it.

For example, the model could ‘cheat’ by saving all the target values it saw during training and simply returning them (but returning random predictions in all other cases). This is related to the problem of ‘overfitting’ discussed later in this tutorial.

For this reason it is common to split the dataset into a training set and a test set. In this setup, we train the model on the former but compute the evaluation metrics on the latter. The model shouldn’t be trained on the test set data.


The process of splitting the dataset rubs up against the concept of dataset leakage. For Machine Learning to work, we need to be able to generalise from the training set to the test set. For that reason, the two sets must be similar. However, the more similar the two sets are, the less well you are able to measure how well your model can generalise to data that is dissimilar from the dataset.

We typically design the test set to accurately represent the data we expect to see in practice (e.g. it may be a representative sample). This can be tricky because, by definition, we don’t know the correct values for the data that we will see in practice or we wouldn’t need a model. We try to design the training set in order to maximise the evaluation metric when computed on the test set (e.g. we may boost the frequency of rarer examples) but without leaking information from the test set.

Such leakage can happen by many processes, such as by inadvertently giving the model features that it wouldn’t have in production use cases (e.g. using the cake’s weight as a feature) or by using knowledge of the test set to improve the model that isn’t applicable in general (e.g. by using the evaluation results on the test set to improve your model).

Random splitting

A simple and common approach is to simply randomly split our annotated data such that about 80% are in the training set and 20% are in the test set.

Randomly splitting our dataset into a training set and a test set.

We can implement this random splitting for our dataset in Python:

training_set = []
test_set = []

for d in dataset:
  random_number = random.randint(0, 1)
  if random_number == 0:

print(f'Training dataset size: {len(training_set)}')
print(f'Test dataset size: {len(test_set)}')
Training dataset size: 23
Test dataset size: 27

Now we have two sets of data of approximately the same size:

  • One set of data for training a model
  • One set of data for testing that model

Evaluating our model

For our problem, let’s define our evaluation metric as the fraction of predictions which are within 10% of the target value. We make this choice just for illustration, but in practice such a metric may be useful if we consider this a reasonable accuracy threshold at which point predictions become useful for our purposes.

number_within_10pct = 0  # Number of data points for which the prediction is within 10% of the target value

for d in test_set:
  prediction = m * d['Flour']     # Make prediction for this data point, using the current m value (y = m x)
  if d['Cake weight'] * 0.9 < prediction < d['Cake weight'] * 1.1:
    number_within_10pct = number_within_10pct + 1

print(f'Fraction within 10% of target: {number_within_10pct} / {len(test_set)} = {number_within_10pct / len(test_set):.3f}')
Fraction within 10% of target: 4 / 27 = 0.148

But wait! When we trained this model, we trained it on the full dataset, including all the examples in our test dataset. That means that this number may not accurately represent how well our model will work on data it hasn’t seen. In other words, we haven’t measured how well the model will generalise.

Instead, we should train a new model using only the training set. Only then is it appropriate to evaluate on the test set. We’ll do that in the next section.

Using multiple features

Reformulating our model

Our model is well and good, you might say, but a model that just takes one feature x and multiplies it by one parameter m is very restrictive and not very powerful. How can we use this for more challenging problems?

One simple approach is to just add more features! In our case, this means considering the counts of several different ingredients.

For linear regression with multiple features, we compute the prediction as:

\[y = mx_1 + nx_2 + ...\]

To make this easier to write, we represent this model using vectors; we represent our parameters, m, n, etc, as vector \(w = [m, n, ...]\) (it is typical to use w to signify ‘weights’) and our features, \(x_1\), \(x_2\), etc, as vector \(x = [x_1, x_2, ...]\). Using the vector dot product, we can now write our model as:

\[y = wx\]

This formulation looks very similar to the y = mx formulation we saw before but we replace m and x with vectors. However, as before, the prediction y is a single number.

We still assume that there is a linear (straight line) relationship between each of our features \(x_i\) and our prediction y, such that if we increase the value of any feature \(x_i\), y will increase proportionally (or decrease proportionally, if the weight is negative). For that reason, we still refer to such models as linear regression.

A linear regression model with multiple inputs.

For any given example, example, and weights, w, we can write this sum in Python as:

features = ('Flour', 'Eggs', 'Butter', 'Sugar')  # Our features
prediction = 0
for feature, weight in zip(features, w):
  prediction = prediction + example[feature] * weight

We can equivalently write this even more simply, with some slightly fancier Python syntax:

prediction = sum(example[feature] * weight for feature, weight in zip(features, w))

Extending gradient descent

We can simply extend our gradient descent code from above, but this time:

  • Instead of just using one feature, we will use all the features (ingredients).
  • We will update all the weights in a loop

The equation for the gradient for each weight is the same as we derived before, 2 * x * (y - t). The only thing that changes is we now have a different feature, \(x_i\) corresponding to each weight \(w_i\)4.

So our full setup for the multi-parameter model is:

  • Training dataset: \(training\_set\)
  • Model: \(y = w_1x_1 + w_2x_2 + ...\)
  • Loss function, \(L\): mean squared error
  • Way to find gradients: \(\frac{dL}{dw_i} = 2x_i(y−t)\)
Linear regression (single parameter) Linear regression (multi-parameter)
Dataset Cakes with known weights Cakes with known weights
Model, y \(y=mx\) \(y = w_1x_1 + w_2x_2 + ...\)
Loss function, L Mean squared error \[MSE =\frac{\sum{(t - y)^2}}{n} \] Mean squared error \[MSE =\frac{\sum{(t - y)^2}}{n} \]
Way to find gradients \[\frac{dL}{dm} = 2x(y−t)\] \[\frac{dL}{dw_i} = 2x_i(y−t)\]
Table 3: Comparison of single and multi-parameter linear regression.

So let’s do it! Updating our linear regression training loop from before:

features = ('Flour', 'Eggs', 'Butter', 'Sugar')
w = [random.uniform(0, 100) for _ in features]    # Initialise the 'w' parameter vector randomly
epochs = 25_000                                   # Number of epochs through our dataset to do
learning_rate = 0.000001                          # The learning rate constant

for i in range(epochs):
  for d in training_set:  # This time we only train on the training set
    prediction = sum(d[feature] * weight for feature, weight in zip(features, w))  # Make prediction for this example, using the current w value (y = w x)
    error = prediction - d['Cake weight']                                          # Compute the error of this prediction (y - t)
    # Update all the weights
    for j, feature in enumerate(features):
      gradient = 2 * d[feature] * error       # Compute the gradient of the loss function with respect to the weight for this feature (2 * x * error)
      w[j] = w[j] - learning_rate * gradient  # Descend!

Again, let’s plot how our loss changed over time:

Once again, the loss decreases as the model trains. That’s a good first step!

Let’s take a look at how our parameters converged over time and compare them to the optimal weight5:

Flour Weight Optimal Flour Weight Eggs Weight Optimal Eggs Weight Butter Weight Optimal Butter Weight Sugar Weight Optimal Sugar Weight
1 13.436 1 84.743 100 76.377 5 25.507 0.75
2,500 -4.651 1 81.521 100 30.253 5 5.507 0.75
5,000 -2.326 1 80.594 100 14.758 5 3.994 0.75
7,500 -0.872 1 80.412 100 9.219 5 2.910 0.75
10,000 -0.129 1 80.498 100 7.189 5 2.113 0.75
12,500 0.305 1 80.685 100 6.422 5 1.623 0.75
15,000 0.598 1 80.912 100 6.115 5 1.359 0.75
17,500 0.772 1 81.152 100 5.981 5 1.203 0.75
20,000 0.772 1 81.396 100 5.906 5 1.026 0.75
22,500 0.846 1 81.641 100 5.872 5 0.981 0.75
25,000 0.913 1 81.886 100 5.850 5 0.970 0.75
Table 4: As the number of epochs increases, the parameters gradually approach their optimal values.

Nice! The more steps we take, the closer the weights we assign to each ingredient get to their true optimal values.

We can also plot our predictions and targets against the amount of flour:

The prediction for the test set examples compared to the target.

The predictions no longer follow a straight line when plotted against the amount of flour. This is because our example cakes contain different amounts of other ingredients, in addition to the flour, that our model now also considers when making predictions. However, if humans could visualise all the ingredients on different axes, we would see that the straight line pattern still holds.

Adding a bias term

One caveat with our model so far is that we assume that when all features x are 0, then y = 0 regardless of the weights w. In terms of the familiar line equation y = mx + c, this means that we assume that the y-intercept c is 0. This is fine for our current problem because when we have no ingredients the “cake” weighs nothing. However, in other cases we may need to model datasets where this isn’t true. In Machine Learning, we refer to this ‘y-intercept’ term as the bias term.

The solution turns out to be simple to adapt our model for this issue. We introduce one extra feature, \(x_n\), which is always set to 1. As a result, the parameter \(w_n\) corresponding to this feature will represent the y-intercept and we can learn this parameter just like any other. It is common to see this represented either explicitly y = wx + b or implicitly y = wx.

For now, we’ll not bother adding a bias term especially since we know that our y-intercept should be 0.

Evaluating our new model

Our model with more features obtains a much lower loss value. Let’s recompute our evaluation metric and see if these extra features helped.

number_within_10pct = 0  # Number of data points for which the prediction is within 10% of the target value

for d in test_set:
  prediction = sum(d[feature] * weight for feature, weight in zip(features, w))  # Make prediction for this data point, using the current w value (y = w x)
  if d['Cake weight'] * 0.9 < prediction < d['Cake weight'] * 1.1:
    number_within_10pct = number_within_10pct + 1

print(f'Fraction within 10% of target: {number_within_10pct} / {len(test_set)} = {number_within_10pct / len(test_set):.3f}')
Fraction within 10% of target: 27 / 27 = 1.000

I think the technical term is “wowza”!

You can see that by giving the model more information (in the form of features) it can make much more accurate predictions than we could with just one feature. Moreover, because we didn’t train this model on the test set, our new accuracy score should be a good estimate of how well our model will do on new data for which we don’t already have the labels.


The curse of overfitting

Oh, and just one more thing. Machine Learning is plagued by a curse called overfitting.

This is a key challenge that plagues Machine Learning models which we must be careful to mitigate. To understand the problem, let’s walk through the stages that a model goes through during training.

In the early stages of training, our model has not trained long enough to be a good predictor of the data and so training more will help. We call such models underfit.

An underfit model has not trained long enough to be a good predictor of the data.

At some point, if our model is powerful enough, it will eventually reach a point where it is well fit to the data. However, because there is noise in the data that we cannot model6, it does not predict every point perfectly.

A well fit model is a good predictor of the data but cannot predict every data point perfectly due to noise.

If we continue training for a long time, our model will continue to reduce the error in the predictions it makes on the training set. However, instead of fitting to the signal in the dataset, it is fitting to the noise! The result is a complex model that is less likely to make accurate predictions on unseen data. Such models are called overfit.

An overfit model has fit to the noise in the training data. It predicts the training data well but will not do well on data it hasn’t seen.

Addressing overfitting

The fundamental issue of overfitting is that our model ends up contorting into complex or ‘irregular’ shapes. In general, smoother models are more likely to match unseen data. In contrast, models that make more assumptions about what lies in the spaces between the training data points are more likely to be mistaken.

So to address overfitting we want to encourage our model to be more regular. We say that we want to regularise it.

There are many regularisation techniques and the uses of the term have expanded over time to encompass many ideas. A few examples include:

  • Stopping training earlier
  • Reducing the number of parameters in the model
  • Modifying the loss function to penalise larger model weights

Because linear regression models are simple and have few parameters, they are much less likely to suffer from overfitting than models such as neural networks. However, it remains a critical problem that you should bear in mind for all ML problems.

Validation sets

Holding out a test set is critical to help mitigate overfitting. To measure overfitting, we can compare how well the model performs on the training set to how well it performs on the test set. If the model does much better on the training set, it is likely to be overfit.

However, the more frequently we evaluate models on the test set, the more this can guide our decisions about the model. This leads to another form of overfitting. Even if we don’t train the model on the test set, the more decisions we make about the model based on the test set, the more likely it is that we overfit to the test set, and the more likely that our model will not perform as well on unseen data. This is a form of leakage.

To alleviate this concern it is common to split our dataset into three:

  • A training set
  • A test set
  • A validation set

This validation set serves as a proxy for the test set which we can use without worrying that we are overfitting to the test set. Our test set will then only be used sparingly to give a final measure of how well our model is likely to perform on unseen data. The validation set can then be used, for example, to tune our hyperparameters or to detect overfitting to the training set.

A validation set serves as a proxy for the test set.

What we learned

And that’s a wrap!

Congratulations on making it to the end of this tutorial, I really hope you found it valuable.

Here’s a summary of the key concepts that we introduced:

  • ML theory: models, generalisation, underfitting, overfitting, regularisation, hyperparameters
  • Linear regression: the linear equation, inputs/features, parameters/weights, biases, outputs/predictions, targets/labels
  • Optimisation: training/fitting, gradient descent, step sizes/learning rates, loss functions, mean squared error (MSE), epochs
  • Evaluation: evaluation metrics & their purpose
  • Dataset splitting: training set, validation set, test set, leakage

Please let me know in the comments if you have any questions.

What’s next?

The next tutorial will be on classification using logistic regression. Watch this space!


  1. An earlier draft of this blog additionally included milk before my wife informed me that cakes are not normally made with milk.↩︎

  2. If you’re suggesting this, you probably don’t need this tutorial!↩︎

  3. Here we focus on a version of gradient descent that updates the parameter each time we make a prediction on an example. Since we only consider one data point at a time, the Mean Squared Error is just the squared error for that point.↩︎

  4. We skip over the full derivation for this gradient but it can be seen that, if you consider each weight \(w_i\) in isolation, the derivation of the gradient for that weight is equivalent to that for the single parameter model. For any given weight, \(w_i\), the derivative is independent of any feature \(x_{j \neq i}\).↩︎

  5. This optimal weight was the one I used to generate the dataset in the first place.↩︎

  6. There are many sources of noise (random variations) in our training set labels, such errors in the measurement device or variations caused by factors that aren’t represented by our input features.↩︎